Friday, February 4, 2011

What A Day

What a fantastic surprise, my lovely sister Sylvia organised (and paid for I might add) a full day of celebrations. We started at the Cobdogla steam museum; Sylvia had hired the place for a ride on the train through the vine yards etc. What a great time, she again surprised me by getting a lot of rellies to come along. There were people I have not seen for years, Great nieces and nephews I have not seen or remembered. (craft) My nephews Patrick & Steven, nieces Belinda & Sally, sister Wendy just to name a few. There was champagne and “horses douvers” to be had on the train trip; we even got “mooned” by a young guy on the trip!!!!!
After our return to the museum we had a tour of the place including the “Humphrey Pump” and a huge steam tractor. We all moved to Sylvia’s place after that for more celebrating, eating and drinking. I think everyone had a great time, I know I did. We went on till well after dark so it was a very good day. I slept like a baby that night!!! Again a very big thank you to sister Sylvia, love ya heaps.

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